Thursday, December 10, 2009

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?

ive been doing a lot searching online for info about this polar flip that ive read about and im pondering doing a report about the polar flip/possible mayan prediction. does anyone know of any good articles/places to find articles about/good evidence about this event?

i cant find a lot of legitimate websites and im having trouble finding good articles from scientific journals.

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?comedy club

I will assume that you are referring to a geomagnetic reversal - when the north magnetic pole and south magnetic pole switch places.

There is a lot of info on Wikipedia:

The geologic recods shows that it has happened many times, and is not correlated with any mass extinctions.

The collapse of the Earths magnetic field would be bad (although not the the reasons shown in the Movie The Core - which is scientifcally horrendous).

But since we do not see mass extinction correlations with geomagnetic reversals, the latest ideas suggest that rather than collapsing - the magnetic field continues to exist, but gets very chaotic, and corrects itself to have reversed polarity.

Try this link

to get more info and pictures showing how the magnetic field looks when it gets chaotic. It also gives references to the orignal scientific work (names, jounral articles etc.)

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?sheet music opera theater

Perhaps the reason you're not finding much is because "polar flip" is not the correct terminology, and the theory is not accepted by scientists.

The 'pole shift theory' is the hypothesis that the axis of rotation of a planet has not always been at its present-day locations or that the axis will not persist there; in other words, that its physical poles had been or will be shifted.

Besides the rotation reversal of the Earth when the moon was formed, there is some evidence to suggest that the Earth's rotation did adjust itself about 800 million years ago. Some scientists speculate that the north axial pole shifted more than 50 degrees in less than 20 million years.

Pole shift hypotheses are also not to be confused with geomagnetic reversal (the periodic reversal of the earth's magnetic field, effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles).

Geomagnetic reversal has more acceptance in the scientific community than pole shift hypotheses.
See this site for useful information to round out your report:

I doubt if you will find any references in scientific journals except for those in use by the medical profession.
You won't find any legitimate websites but this is a popular topic on Yahoo answers. Check some of the older questions in this category, earth sciences and alternative.

The earth's magentic poles have flipped many times in the earth's history: why is this one going to be so disastrous?

Someone on answers suggested it was the sun's magnetic pole that is the issue: don't know the evidence behind that.

If you live your life waiting for the next disaster is that really living?
The Magnetic pole reversal is what you are talking about. If you google "magnetic pole reversal" for you will get some real science sites. Not all the hits will be good science, but some will. Like the two sources below. If you google "polar flip" you will get nothing put pseudo scientific, quasi religious, end of the world nut cases.
I believe that the polar flip that is predicted will be as a result of the asteroid collision. I dont believe it is related to 2012. We should be more concerned about the iminent poison that is due
I suggest that you use Google to find Allan Cox of Stanford University. He found evidence for frequent reversals of the polarity of the earth's magnetic field.
Magnetic Reversals may result from asteroid collisions, but this is a very unsubstantiated theory. This was proposed by Dr. Muller.

Another type of pole flip is called True Polar Wander. This theory also is not accepted by all scientists. However TPW occurs over Millions of years.

This Mayan year hype is nothing to worry about. There have been many doomsday predictions in the past, and some how humanity has survived.
Oh yeah this is real and it is a huge threat. polar flips is very serious to our society and this is the scary part which i am going to tell you first so you can keep it in mind and i will tell you something VERY SCARY at the end, the poles are suspected to flip in 2012! If the poles flip much more will happen than birds will be confused and some people will get lost, here's what will happen. It will take about 2 months, and during that time something very serious will happen, our planet will be exposed to cosmic radiation. This means that temperatures will rise drasticaly and cancer rates will increase dramatically and food will be destroyed in the form of crops and plants. There will be Auroras 24/7 as our magnetic field will be temporarily disabled. Next massive earthquakes will ensue which means cities will be razed and also means huge flooding, and tsunami's, and hurricane's. All of this could mean mass extinction for many species, probably not of ours, but it will be very hard to recover. Remember the first scary part? that this is suspected to happen in 2012, well here's the SCARIEST PART OF ALL, the mayan's (whose geometry and calendar were more sophisticated than our own today), Nostradaumus who has predicted countless events (including 9/11), and countless others predict that the entire WORLD WILL ENDin 2012!!!!.

Scary huh, well if you want something that will gaurantee that this will not happen take a look at 52 seconds on Youtube and you will know what to do.

Look it up.

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