Friday, December 4, 2009

Movie premires clebrities ,events where are they?

i am being more specific i wrote this 2 times already not getting even close to a right or go answer. there has to be someone who knows . like a photography or press or fan. in nyc there are RED CARPET MOVIE PREMIRES , like the TONY AWARDS and after party to the movies and auction and clebritiy event . the mag or news paper or web site that tells you before it happens the exact address or hotel name or movie theatre ect and time and date before it happens. thereis got to be away , there r all these photograry that put in the paper and online . can anyone please help thanks

Movie premires clebrities ,events where are they?theater seating

really hard to find!!!

but click the links! i think the second one is the best

Movie premires clebrities ,events where are they?lyric opera opera theater

There in LA

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