WRESTLEMANIA and THE SUPERBOWL were both on sunday (obviously) but aired on the same time...which event would get the most viewers and all you sports fans which event would you rather be watching?
If two of the BIGGEST events?opera mobile
I'd watch Wrestlemania and DVR the SuperBowl to skip the commercials (if my team is playing).
If two of the BIGGEST events?imax theatre opera theater
Um, does the guy above me know that the superbowl is football?
As for my answer, id go with Wrestlemania.
Im not a football fan.
LOL of corse Wrestlemania beacuse I live in Canada so they Superbowl is a big Deal but I would have a harder choice between if the BC lions where in the Grey Cup. Luckly for me I have a PVR so I could just tape them.
i'd watch the superbowl on TIVO
and watch wrestlemania online
yeah but remember this one thing wrestlemania has an encore superbowl wont so ill take the superbowl
If Wrestlemania was free to watch... it would be a tough call.
Superbowl is only big in America.
Probably The Super Bowl though.
I'd oviously prefer wrestlemania, 'cause i'm not a big superbowl fan.
i would watch wrestlemainia free and live on the computer and watch the superbowl on tv
If Brett Favre was in the Superbowl I am watchin it. Anyone else I am watchin Wrestlemania.
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