which happened first?
How come?
The events of Star Wars- the events of Lord of The Rings....?palace theatre
You've taken too much Nyquil, babe, and now you're having very funky hallucinatory visions that are causing you to think there is some "sensible time line" to either one of those movies...besides...everybody knows that...
"Battlestar Gallactica" happened before any of that stuff...
...um, yeah...(clears throat, looking worred about his contact Freaky One, and her current mental state thinking she is as high as a kite in the windy season...and he wishes he was)
(you so cute...)
The events of Star Wars- the events of Lord of The Rings....?concert tickets opera theater
star wars...it was a long long time ago in a far away galaxy...DUH!
TNT showed LOTR since 8:15 this morning.
Spike didn't start showing Star Wars til a little after that, I think
And what about Star Trek?? How does it fit in with everything?
JRR Tolkien came before George Lucas
Star Wars by far. Lord of the Rings just happened to be in totally different galaxy that was still WAY behind the times. Plus the movies kind of explain themselves: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
There are way too many nerds here. Geek out!
Just here for the 2 points.
Muchos gracias.
I just thought the events of "Star Wars" happened first because when I was reading "The Hobbit" trilogy I was under the impression that was a long time ago on Earth.
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