Was asked at Sunday morning coffee I have with older men.
Do people cause events or do events just happen without people causing the event?opera house
Events are already in motion.Our actions create the outcome of events.
Do people cause events or do events just happen without people causing the event?dream theater opera theater
People cause events.
Thank you very much, while you're up!
Depends on how you define an event. There are events in nature, events in communities, events in humankind. Events are everywhere.
The Hermetic philosophy of the universe being mental has much credence IMO. Thus what we think or feel manifests. Natural events, such as hurricanes, will usually occur following a period of strong emotions in an area. If you look back as the last election in the US then look at the acts of nature that followed you'll see a strong correlation. The exoteric world is a reflection of the inner world. It's where our thoughts and feeling play out, the stage, so to speak.
In a way yes people are the cause for most of the events that happen. We work against this planet and not with it. We try to change the way nature had intended for things to be. Instead of living with the land we completly change it around. So sure I would say that people are the cause for most of the events that happen and if it werent for someone the event probably would of never happened. But when it comes to an event like falling in love that is something that just happens since you cant cause someone to fall in love with you , you might help it along alittle but you cant cause it.
I would find it very hard to cause a solar flare, so I could not cause that kind of event. I am responsible for my ACTIONS though, and my ACTIONS may or may not cause some events to occur. What constitutes an event is another issue.
Events continue to happen all the time.. When some events happen in the proximity of people , they give an impression of being triggered by people . For example , a celestial event, we are all agog to watch it unfold as mere witnesses.
A tsuenami event , we accept as, a natural event though it still affects thousands.
But , nearer home, when some events like an accident happen we tend to blame it on human failure . Such events , too, happen and are not caused . But we are not prepared to acept it.
Can't help wondering if there's some context behind this we're missing, as it seems a silly question.
We do not cause earthquakes, for example; humans do cause shootings, as a different example.
So we cause some events; don't cause others.
So, what, really, is the question here?
even though I'm a god in my own little world the sun rises and falls and i have nothing to do with that event
Life is interwoven, so people don't directly cause even but they have a part to play in causing events.
like if i want to a winner in 100 meter race, then i require other people to talk part in that race at the same time, i mean if there is no other participant then how can win, so if i win that race then it is also a event others losing it, but no one likes to lose, so neither my winning fully depends on me or the events itself.
Everything is attached, with out other participant event itself cannot happen.
When a insect trapped in the web of spider tries to free itself, it shakes the whole web, it is all interdependent.
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