Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can you be happy about events you only recall that you were happy about?

Can you be happy if you dont recall the event but only recall that you were happy when it happened?

Do you really need to relive in your mind the event that made you happy or can you also be happy knowing that you were happy before.

Can you be happy about events you only recall that you were happy about?met opera

Just about anything can make a person happy in the right context. Emotions don't make sense.

Can you be happy about events you only recall that you were happy about?movie theatre opera theater


Even if you only recall some event made you happy at some point of your life, if it mae you happy it means it was something good for you.... thats enough reason to be happy today!
LOL yes because if you are happy about something because you recall being happy then you are happy because you recall being happy which makes you happier and creates a never-ending cycle of I remember being happies to keep recalling to keep causing pleasure and making you happy all over again. Works for me!!!

Do people cause events or do events just happen without people causing the event?

Was asked at Sunday morning coffee I have with older men.

Do people cause events or do events just happen without people causing the event?opera house

Events are already in motion.Our actions create the outcome of events.

Do people cause events or do events just happen without people causing the event?dream theater opera theater

People cause events.

Thank you very much, while you're up!
Depends on how you define an event. There are events in nature, events in communities, events in humankind. Events are everywhere.
The Hermetic philosophy of the universe being mental has much credence IMO. Thus what we think or feel manifests. Natural events, such as hurricanes, will usually occur following a period of strong emotions in an area. If you look back as the last election in the US then look at the acts of nature that followed you'll see a strong correlation. The exoteric world is a reflection of the inner world. It's where our thoughts and feeling play out, the stage, so to speak.
In a way yes people are the cause for most of the events that happen. We work against this planet and not with it. We try to change the way nature had intended for things to be. Instead of living with the land we completly change it around. So sure I would say that people are the cause for most of the events that happen and if it werent for someone the event probably would of never happened. But when it comes to an event like falling in love that is something that just happens since you cant cause someone to fall in love with you , you might help it along alittle but you cant cause it.
I would find it very hard to cause a solar flare, so I could not cause that kind of event. I am responsible for my ACTIONS though, and my ACTIONS may or may not cause some events to occur. What constitutes an event is another issue.
Events continue to happen all the time.. When some events happen in the proximity of people , they give an impression of being triggered by people . For example , a celestial event, we are all agog to watch it unfold as mere witnesses.

A tsuenami event , we accept as, a natural event though it still affects thousands.

But , nearer home, when some events like an accident happen we tend to blame it on human failure . Such events , too, happen and are not caused . But we are not prepared to acept it.
Can't help wondering if there's some context behind this we're missing, as it seems a silly question.

We do not cause earthquakes, for example; humans do cause shootings, as a different example.

So we cause some events; don't cause others.

So, what, really, is the question here?
even though I'm a god in my own little world the sun rises and falls and i have nothing to do with that event
Life is interwoven, so people don't directly cause even but they have a part to play in causing events.

like if i want to a winner in 100 meter race, then i require other people to talk part in that race at the same time, i mean if there is no other participant then how can win, so if i win that race then it is also a event others losing it, but no one likes to lose, so neither my winning fully depends on me or the events itself.

Everything is attached, with out other participant event itself cannot happen.

When a insect trapped in the web of spider tries to free itself, it shakes the whole web, it is all interdependent.

Web site about your birthday, events, prices,world events. on that day.?

Had been on this site a couple years ago, would like to find it again. It had a time breakdown,Hours, minutes, seconds, No.1 movie, major world event, Oscar winners, Top songs and some other items I don't remember. Can anyone help with finding it ???

Web site about your birthday, events, prices,world events. on that day.?

The Wikipedia main page has lot of this sort of info.

If two of the BIGGEST events?

WRESTLEMANIA and THE SUPERBOWL were both on sunday (obviously) but aired on the same time...which event would get the most viewers and all you sports fans which event would you rather be watching?

If two of the BIGGEST events?opera mobile

I'd watch Wrestlemania and DVR the SuperBowl to skip the commercials (if my team is playing).

If two of the BIGGEST events?imax theatre opera theater

Um, does the guy above me know that the superbowl is football?

As for my answer, id go with Wrestlemania.

Im not a football fan.
LOL of corse Wrestlemania beacuse I live in Canada so they Superbowl is a big Deal but I would have a harder choice between if the BC lions where in the Grey Cup. Luckly for me I have a PVR so I could just tape them.
i'd watch the superbowl on TIVO

and watch wrestlemania online
yeah but remember this one thing wrestlemania has an encore superbowl wont so ill take the superbowl
If Wrestlemania was free to watch... it would be a tough call.

Superbowl is only big in America.

Probably The Super Bowl though.
I'd oviously prefer wrestlemania, 'cause i'm not a big superbowl fan.
i would watch wrestlemainia free and live on the computer and watch the superbowl on tv
If Brett Favre was in the Superbowl I am watchin it. Anyone else I am watchin Wrestlemania.

What are current events that are happening for Islamic people?

If you know of any, please also tell me of any key words I can use to find a picture of that event.

What are current events that are happening for Islamic people?opera sheet music

Islamic countries are scattered from the borders of China till the Atlantic Ocean, so it's a little hard to say.

What are current events that are happening for Islamic people?shows opera theater

the asian plays 2006
Three Palistinian kids age 6 to 10 killed(shot) by other PALISTINIANS. Secterian fighting between Hamas and Fatta(or whatever it is). How much you want to bet that this will be turned into Isreal and Americas fault??? Is there ANY TIME on this earth when arabs just might stop the national pastime of KILLING%26lt;???????????%26lt;
Google up : suicide bomb die allah murder kill violent.

That should lead you to plenty of information about current islamic events.
I think its Burn-A-Flag day tomorrow and in a week its Behead-An-Infidel day.

Going to social events?

Do you feel like a loser if you are invited to a social event and you are the only single person there (or one of very few)?

Going to social events?listen to opera

Better to be invited, and go alone, than to not be invited at all

Going to social events?concert venue opera theater

It beats getting slapped and having a drink tossed in my face by my date later that night.

Favorite events (E.G., performances, exhibits, sporting events, etc.) this past year?

my favorite is the Mummers Day parade which is held in Philadelphia to celebrate the New Year. There is no way to describe it. They have several catogories, my favorite is the string bands. It lasts most of the day.

Favorite events (E.G., performances, exhibits, sporting events, etc.) this past year?city opera

I got baptized

The event "10" from a full desk of standard playing cards consists of how many elementry e

if it is the number 10 only, the answer is 4 events, the 10 in each suit.

if it is like Blackjack where K,Q,J %26amp; 10 all equal 10 the answer is 4 cards in 4 different suits or 16 events.

The event "10" from a full desk of standard playing cards consists of how many elementry events?passions soap opera

King (from each of the four suits)




4 different cards cause the event "10".

If suits are considered, 16 of the 52 cards in a standard deck create "10".

Miracle stories? Literal events? Or Symbolic?

Does the bible indicate if the miracles of Jesus are Literal event's or if any of them are simply symbollic example? Any verses to support?

Miracle stories? Literal events? Or Symbolic?movie theater

The miracles of Jesus were literal events. The narration will tell you they are. The concluding verse of the gospel of John also says that.

"There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written." - John 21,25

Miracle stories? Literal events? Or Symbolic?tickets opera theater

It doesn't say. Alot of people though tend to interpret the bible literaly at times, and then symbolicly at other times...depends what point they are trying to prove...doing this allows you to find anything you want in the bible even if it isn't even there...very sneaky, sneaky...
Soon after Jesus raised Lazerus from the dead the religious leaders started planning to re-kill Lazerus due to the popularity Jesus had gained through that miracle. That would be scriptural proof of literal to me. So many miracles of Jesus are being done through his people today. It is happening all over the world. Just this week in Bontoc, Philippines freshly trained discipleship students (18-19 years old) are healing Filipinos as I write this! Since Jesus promised his followers that they would do the works that He did and greater and it is happening, I would say the recorded miracles are literal.
All of Jesus' miracles were literal events. They were also "signs" that pointed to the fulfillment of hundreds of prophesies made about Him in the Old Testament, hence the phrase, "signs and wonders."

Please do a search on the word "signs" on

Questions regarding the events of 2012?

I've heard alarming evidence that suggests it's possible that terrible things will happen on 2012 ... the kinds of things that kill of the majority of earth's population. I know this doesn't sound like astronomy so far, but the Mayan calendar ends in the year 2012, with predictions of some sort of event happening. There's this one man - a phD - who wrote a book on it (I haven't read it personally), called "How to Surivive 2012" He says that there will be a major shift in the earth's poles (caused by ... sunspots, I think he said), which will cause floods, tsunamis, earthquakes so massive that whole mountain ranges form and others cease to exist, etc. I've emailed NASA asking if this is possible, but I've yet to hear from them. What do you think? Is there evidence to support this, or is this doctor a fraud?

Questions regarding the events of 2012?home theater

I think the Mayans were just tired of they finally went, "Oh, crap...we can't POSSIBLY survive past 2012. We gotta stop sometime!" Then they just stopped writing.

Questions regarding the events of 2012?comedy club opera theater

Y2K was the end of the life as we know did you manage to survive it? Live life and enjoy cause no guarantees of tomorrow.
everyone has their theories. Personally, i don't think terrible things will happen in 2012, but, as some say, prepare for the worst, hope for the best. That's what ill be doing if i heard any conformation.
Other cultures have talked of this as well. The Hopi Native American tribe of the American south west says that in the year 2012, the 4th world will end and the 5th world will begin. They believe that the Earth has had a series of different races that have lived on this planet (thus explaining the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd worlds), but other than the dinosaurs existing before our time, there is no scientific evidence pointing to possible "past worlds". See you on the other side of the apocalypse...
Based on mathematical models... nothing will happen. A lot of people want something to happen because there is a trend in our society to believe everything must change.

The Mayans actually predicted the end of the world sometime between Dec 13 - Dec 24 , 2011 not Dec 21, 2012. They showed the calendar through Dec 21, 2012 because it is the end of their 13th Baktun not the end of the world.
From what I've heard what you described will happen is just a theory of a worst case scenario but scientists say it's highly unlikely a shift in the earth's poles will have any effect on the environment. Like right now scientists are saying the volcano under Yellowstone National Park is due for a major eruption because every 200,000 year or so there's been major volcanic activities in that area but it's only a theory and for all they know something major can happen today or in another 10,000 years so it's not based on accurate calculations.
if you got that from i am legend the movie its not true. if you got it from anywhere else its not true. Gods gotaa plan for all of us and only He nos when our life personally will end you never no. i mean your life could end in a year for all you no...
Your PhD must have gotten his degree out of a catalog..!

True, the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012, but if the ancient Mayans were still around they'd simply start another one. We end / start our calendar too, just on a different time scale than the ancients.

No accredited archaelogist specializing in the Mayan civilization has interpreted their ancient calendar or anything else about their culture that says they were predicting the end of the world.

Sunspots can not cause floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, diaper rash or anything else here on Earth except for brief disruptions of radio / tv communications and a stray power outage or two.

What *will* happen in 2012, besides the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, is that our sun will briefly align with the galactic equator. This has happened countless times in Earth's history with absolutely no effect on us or our planet. No mysterious but unspecified forces will come flashing out from the center of our galaxy to wreck Earth.

One of the many assorted catastrophes that the wackos writing these books claim will happen is a reversal of Earth's magnetic poles. Just more nonsense. Earth's magnetic has indeed reversed many times in the past, and will do so again, but it takes thousands of years for the cycle to complete. It's not an instantaneous event.

Be smart...relax and put all that unscientific crap out of your mind.
There are several theories on these apocalyptic scenarios. Supposedly, we're getting a massive solar storm in 2010..i'd be kinda worried about that.
2012 will very likely come and go without much happening. Some people just like to go crazy and want others to go too.
Well I heard something about somebody predict that life would come to an end early in 2007, but has it happened? No. But if you think about it, it is very scary because this stuff could happen at any time. I am only 13 and I have a long time to live and something like that may happen in my generation.
NASA probably threw that email in the trash. It's unwarranted (to them) and they have other things (like a lack of cash and serious math problems) to deal with.

But let me take a stab. I agree that the end to the calender was just a "damnit I need a break" moment. I mean, our calenders end every December 31st and nothing happens. The fact that some say it ends on the 20th or so makes that seem even more likely since that's the solstice and a good stopping point. (Dec 31st is much more suspicious)

Don't put too much faith into people with PhDs... even if he has a real one, is it from a good school? even if it is, is it in anything relevant? even if it is they give PhDs to crazy people too as long as they complete the work... and even if he wasn't crazy going in, I think most people go crazy in the course of getting PhDs anyway.

It is unlikely the poles will shift that year... I think they'd show more signs of weakening now. And sun spots don't cause the poles to switch... our magnetic field is caused by an internal drive (a dynamo consisting of our iron core and molten metals surrounding it turning). It is true that like a rope being twisted too far one way, our polarity can suddenly switch. If this happened though, it wouldn't cause earthquakes and floods. But, if this happens slowly there would be serious problems, like an increase in cancer, some crop damage, and a loss of some communications that rely on satellites.

So the worst case scenario would be if the poles happened to change then (unlikely) and it happened to take a long time to do so... but from what we've seen it doesn't seem like it should take that long at all. Even if that did happen... you have to wear sunscreen, go outside a little less, take vitamins, and deal with slow internet and no cell phone, whoop de-do. That would be a lull in human development, not a destruction of our society.
There is no evidence. No evidence. It is all drivel. The people pushing this are frauds or fools.

Pokeomon d/p events?

when is then next or if there hasn't been one yet first pokemon d/p event?

Pokeomon d/p events?imax theater

check It is probably on there somewhere

Nintendo events? how do you get nintendo events for diamond and pearl?

There are usually Nintendo Pokemon events every so often; the last one I've been to was in 2005.

Just wait for a while. Soon, they'll have Pokemon conventions, hopefully near around where you live. It's tons of fun because you get to make new friends who all share the same love as you. You can also spend your money on exclusive plushies and more! There's tournaments, trading centers, and usually you'll get exclusive Pokemon!

Who knows. With the DS' wifi, maybe they'll send Event Pokemon to those who can't make it.

Nintendo events? how do you get nintendo events for diamond and pearl?dream theater

Hey, there's a Toys R Us Pokemon event at September 29! They'll be giving our Manaphys in rare Cherish Balls! Check out the website for more information. You don't want to miss this! :] Report It

Nintendo events? how do you get nintendo events for diamond and pearl?performing arts opera theater

Nintendo events are for unlocking the pokemon darkai, shaymin, and Arceus, there have been no events here in America except in Japan. If you want the event pokemon just use action replay

Has any nintendo events gone out yet?

someones offering a nintendo event pokemon and i dont wont to get tricked

Has any nintendo events gone out yet?amc theatre

No events so far. It's a hacked Pokemon.

Here's the Nintendo Events webpage:

Bookmark it!

Has any nintendo events gone out yet?symphony opera theater

yeah no events have been made in north america the pokemon that people are offering have been hacked either by game shark or action replay

What kind of events do banks/finanical instutions use to get people to the bank? What works best?

Looking for event ideas for banks (specializing in loans) that drive qualified traffic.

What kind of events do banks/finanical instutions use to get people to the bank? What works best?imax theatre

go to corporates and ask them for a desk for 1 day or go to residential societies and put a desk.

Pay per view events?

if you buy a pay per view event on 1 T.V. in the house will it still show on the other T.V.'s around the house

Pay per view events?shows

No it will only show on the tv you purchased it on.

Pay per view events?comedy show opera theater

Good Question but No, At least not for me.

Betting on sporting events with friends is it legal or illegal in the USA?

I dont mean the kind of online betting, I mean like 2 guys that are friends and they place a $1000 bet on a game. Can I be arrested for doing that if cops found out about it? What I mean is like if you and a few of your friends got together in a bar and you each bet $100 on a sporting event. Can you be arrested for that?

Betting on sporting events with friends is it legal or illegal in the USA?concert venue

No, if two or three friends get together and bet on something, it's not illegal.

I don't think it's a good idea though. You might lose some friends.

Betting on sporting events with friends is it legal or illegal in the USA?events opera theater

depends on state you bet in.....

Desperately looking for any Upcoming Dance events in India.?

I want to dance for any upcoming dance event(For new year/annual function etc) in India.So, if there are any dance shows please let me know.Please mail me with full details of the dance event( venue, contact person, website etc).

Thanks in Advance.

My email id :

Desperately looking for any Upcoming Dance events in India.?performing shows

u have really done the biggest mistake in here by giving your id!!

well, there are boogie woogie auditions going on in delhi, and other places - (see the site below at 1 place).

youngstars audition are going in west gate mall at rajouri garden behind citisquare mall age group 3 to 18 - 981050056

Desperately looking for any Upcoming Dance events in India.?say yes opera theater

Sure wil let u know...But its not good to post ur mail id in such open forums....

Beware buddy...


Any ADULT Halloween events in the Portland, Oregon area?

an adults ONLY event

Any ADULT Halloween events in the Portland, Oregon area?mr messed up

you should have a BBQ. or a bonn-fire.

Any ADULT Halloween events in the Portland, Oregon area?getting late opera theater


My dreams predict events in my future?

I hardly ever remember my dreams, but the dreams that I do remember seem to foreshadow a part of my life. For example, I dreamed a couple weeks ago that my ex boyfriend (boyfriend at the time) was hanging around his ex girlfriend again and it appeared to be true. (We actually broke up because of her). My other dreams in the past that I've remembered have somehow predicted a future event to happen too.

So last night, I had a dream that my ex and I were cuddling on my bed and talking again. We've been broken up for a couple weeks and came to a decision that we were done for good. But now that I had this dream, it makes me wonder.

What's it mean and is it even possible for dreams to predict the future or is it just coincidence?

My dreams predict events in my future?tickets

Dreams usually reveal things in your life that you are already feeling... chances are you subconsciouisly knew your (now) ex was not fully committed to the relationship. Your latest dream is no doubt your hopeful thinking that he will come back. This will most likely result in you pursuing this, and since he is a guy (and probably not interested in any kind of real relationship), will entertain the idea and get back with you... at least until something else comes along. It should be a warning that your personal feelings are getting in the way of rational thought. It's certainly not a prophecy.

My dreams predict events in my future?ballet opera theater

It's sooo possible.
myself as well i dreamed my aunt came to me in a dream she was dying at the time .but she was young and 18 and at her happiest. and dreamed my husband nite after nite was cheating he was....both came true yes they help you in life . belive it .
What's it mean? absolutely nothing --- and is it even possible for dreams to predict the future -- no not really -- or is it just coincidence? not coincidence -- it just means you think about the subject a lot and it entered your dreams -- it's sooooo not possible
Yes it is very possible, I had a dream when I was 8 years old that my grandfather passed away, the next morning he was gone. I was so upset I thought I had killed him just by dreaming it. When I was 23 I dreamt my grandmother passed away on wed. the next week wed. I got a phone call from my mother @ 11:45 pm that my grandmother passed. I've also dreamt that my ex husband (who was a truck driver) backed into something green, the next day, he backed into a tree. It can be scary sometimes, but it does happen.
It is possible for people to have dreams.. I know I do hence my name dejavu.

Now your dream its possible that you might get back with your ex but then again you have all these other dreams and they dont come true. So it could just be a dream..
It's defiantly possible, it happens to me all the time and when I type all the time it means all the time. that means your sidekick. I mean maybe your not like raven Symone on that's so raven because you don't have it while your awake but when your asleep.
According to Dreamcrowd:

To dream that you are in the future, signifies your hopes or your fears of how things will turn out depending on the scenario.

Try posting your dream on Dreamcrowd for a free interpretation.
Your dreams may predict the future. Just keep your dreams in mind don't take them to heart because sometimes they might just be normal dreams. Trust it happens to me.

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?

ive been doing a lot searching online for info about this polar flip that ive read about and im pondering doing a report about the polar flip/possible mayan prediction. does anyone know of any good articles/places to find articles about/good evidence about this event?

i cant find a lot of legitimate websites and im having trouble finding good articles from scientific journals.

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?comedy club

I will assume that you are referring to a geomagnetic reversal - when the north magnetic pole and south magnetic pole switch places.

There is a lot of info on Wikipedia:

The geologic recods shows that it has happened many times, and is not correlated with any mass extinctions.

The collapse of the Earths magnetic field would be bad (although not the the reasons shown in the Movie The Core - which is scientifcally horrendous).

But since we do not see mass extinction correlations with geomagnetic reversals, the latest ideas suggest that rather than collapsing - the magnetic field continues to exist, but gets very chaotic, and corrects itself to have reversed polarity.

Try this link

to get more info and pictures showing how the magnetic field looks when it gets chaotic. It also gives references to the orignal scientific work (names, jounral articles etc.)

Polar flip? cataclysmic events ensue?sheet music opera theater

Perhaps the reason you're not finding much is because "polar flip" is not the correct terminology, and the theory is not accepted by scientists.

The 'pole shift theory' is the hypothesis that the axis of rotation of a planet has not always been at its present-day locations or that the axis will not persist there; in other words, that its physical poles had been or will be shifted.

Besides the rotation reversal of the Earth when the moon was formed, there is some evidence to suggest that the Earth's rotation did adjust itself about 800 million years ago. Some scientists speculate that the north axial pole shifted more than 50 degrees in less than 20 million years.

Pole shift hypotheses are also not to be confused with geomagnetic reversal (the periodic reversal of the earth's magnetic field, effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles).

Geomagnetic reversal has more acceptance in the scientific community than pole shift hypotheses.
See this site for useful information to round out your report:

I doubt if you will find any references in scientific journals except for those in use by the medical profession.
You won't find any legitimate websites but this is a popular topic on Yahoo answers. Check some of the older questions in this category, earth sciences and alternative.

The earth's magentic poles have flipped many times in the earth's history: why is this one going to be so disastrous?

Someone on answers suggested it was the sun's magnetic pole that is the issue: don't know the evidence behind that.

If you live your life waiting for the next disaster is that really living?
The Magnetic pole reversal is what you are talking about. If you google "magnetic pole reversal" for you will get some real science sites. Not all the hits will be good science, but some will. Like the two sources below. If you google "polar flip" you will get nothing put pseudo scientific, quasi religious, end of the world nut cases.
I believe that the polar flip that is predicted will be as a result of the asteroid collision. I dont believe it is related to 2012. We should be more concerned about the iminent poison that is due
I suggest that you use Google to find Allan Cox of Stanford University. He found evidence for frequent reversals of the polarity of the earth's magnetic field.
Magnetic Reversals may result from asteroid collisions, but this is a very unsubstantiated theory. This was proposed by Dr. Muller.

Another type of pole flip is called True Polar Wander. This theory also is not accepted by all scientists. However TPW occurs over Millions of years.

This Mayan year hype is nothing to worry about. There have been many doomsday predictions in the past, and some how humanity has survived.
Oh yeah this is real and it is a huge threat. polar flips is very serious to our society and this is the scary part which i am going to tell you first so you can keep it in mind and i will tell you something VERY SCARY at the end, the poles are suspected to flip in 2012! If the poles flip much more will happen than birds will be confused and some people will get lost, here's what will happen. It will take about 2 months, and during that time something very serious will happen, our planet will be exposed to cosmic radiation. This means that temperatures will rise drasticaly and cancer rates will increase dramatically and food will be destroyed in the form of crops and plants. There will be Auroras 24/7 as our magnetic field will be temporarily disabled. Next massive earthquakes will ensue which means cities will be razed and also means huge flooding, and tsunami's, and hurricane's. All of this could mean mass extinction for many species, probably not of ours, but it will be very hard to recover. Remember the first scary part? that this is suspected to happen in 2012, well here's the SCARIEST PART OF ALL, the mayan's (whose geometry and calendar were more sophisticated than our own today), Nostradaumus who has predicted countless events (including 9/11), and countless others predict that the entire WORLD WILL ENDin 2012!!!!.

Scary huh, well if you want something that will gaurantee that this will not happen take a look at 52 seconds on Youtube and you will know what to do.

Look it up.

What kind of events can we organize for a get together with Earth Day as its theme?

Me and my colleagues are putting together an event at the office tomorrow to celebrate Earth Day. What kind of fun and serious games and activities can we do that has Earth Day as its core theme?

What kind of events can we organize for a get together with Earth Day as its theme?concerts

go print 1000s, of flyer's say in help conserve the environment earth day is a joke

The event "10" from a full deck of standard playing cards consists of how many elementary


The event "10" from a full deck of standard playing cards consists of how many elementary events?playhouse

4 since there are 4 tens in a deck of cards

What events, people, and other events happened in U.S. history between 1815-1824?

Can anyone help me find any laws or amendments, an act or political speech, court cases, books or magazines, songs/music, president, inventor, activist, war, innovation, discovery, invention, etc.

What events, people, and other events happened in U.S. history between 1815-1824?classical music

1814 September 20, Francis Scott Keyes, Star Spangled Banner

1814 Amendments to the Constitution Proposed by the Hartford Convention

1814, Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812)

1814. Map of the New Orleans Campaign

1814, Map of the Battle of New Orleans

1815 April 3 and July 2, Treaty of Peace, Signed by Algiers

1815-1845, Map of Westward Expansion

Administration of James Monroe, 1817-1825

1817 James Monroe, First Inaugural

1817 Opening of New York to Liverpool Packet Line

1817, Charles Bagot to Richard Rush, Anglo-American agreement to reduce naval forces operating on the Great Lakes

1817, Thomas Jefferson, notes on the State of Virginia

1818 May 3, Adjutant-General Butler on the Battle of the Appalachiola River [.pdf file]

1818 Constitution of the State of Connecticut

1819, Treaty with Spain (Acquisition of Florida)

1819 Constitution of the State of Connecticut

1819, U. S. Supreme Court, McCulloch v The State of Maryland

1819, U.S. Supreme Court, Dartmouth College v Woodward

1820-Map of the United States

1820-1835, Map of the Exploration and Settlement of North America

1820-Map: Western Exploration

1820, Robert Young Hayne, "On the Foote Resolution " 1821- James Monroe, Second Inaugural

1821, Cohen v. Virginia

1823, Dr. Richard Furman, Exposition on Slavery, reflecting the Views of Baptists

1823, The Monroe Doctrine, December 2

1824, U.S. Supreme Court, Gibbons v Ogden

1824, Ross, Alexander, Journal, Snake Country Expedition

1824, Pushmataha, "To John C. Calhoun"

Interactive Santa Fe Trail

Working in DUBAI - EVENTS?

What are some event companies in Dubai?

Please name some that are good

Working in DUBAI - EVENTS?performing arts


Working in DUBAI - EVENTS?binoculars opera theater

MARBACH, is very good try to mail them on

Did Any significant events happen in 1915?

i need to make a newspaper article on an event that happened in 1915, can anyone help me

Did Any significant events happen in 1915?symphony

Take your pick from Wiki:

* January 1 - Sinking of the battleship HMS Formidable, off Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, by a German U-Boat.

* January 12 - The Rocky Mountain National Park is established by an act of the U.S. Congress.

* January 12 - United States House of Representatives rejects proposal to give women the right to vote.

* January 13 �?An earthquake (6.8 in Richter scale) in Avezzano, Italy - 32.610 dead

* January 19 - Georges Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising.

* January 19 - German zeppelins bomb the cities of Great Yarmouth and King's Lynn in the United Kingdom for the first time, killing more than 20.

* January 21 - Kiwanis International is founded in Detroit, Michigan.

* January 28 - An act of the U.S. Congress creates the United States Coast Guard.

* January 31 - World War I: Germany uses poison gas against Russians.

* February 8 - The controversial film The Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith premieres (Los Angeles, California).

* February 12 - In Washington, DC the first stone of the Lincoln Memorial is put into place.

* March 3 - NACA, the predecessor of NASA, is founded.

* March 14 - World War I: Off the coast of Chile, the Royal Navy sinks the German battleship SMS Dresden.

* March 14 - Britain, France and Russia agree to give Constantinople and the Bosporus to Russia in case of victory (the treaty is later nullified by the Bolshevik revolution)

* March 18 - World War I: British attack on the Dardanelles fails.

* March 19 - Pluto is photographed for the first time but was not recognized as a planet.

* March 25 - US submarine F-4 sinks off Hawaii - 21 dead

* March 28 - The first Roman Catholic Liturgy is celebrated by Archbishop John Ireland at the newly consecrated Cathedral of Saint Paul in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

* April 13 - Mexican Revolution - Pancho Villa's attack against Alvaro Obregon's troops in Celaya. Charge of Villa's troops is no match against Obregon's barbed wire and machine guns

* April 22 - World War I: Second Battle of Ypres - German troops introduce poison gas at Ypres, Belgium.

* April 24 - The Ottoman Empire arrests hundreds of Armenian intellectuals, executing most. Armenians mark this as the start of the Armenian Genocide and commemorate the anniversary.

* April 25 - The Anzac tradition begins during World War I with a landing at Gallipoli on the Turkish coast.

* April 30 - Australian submarine AE2 sunk in Sea of Marmara.

* May 3 - John McCrae writes In Flanders Fields

* May 7 - World War I: The RMS Lusitania is sunk by a German U-boat killing 1,198.

* May 9 - World War I: Second Battle of Artois - German and French forces fight.

* May 17 - The last purely Liberal government in the United Kingdom ends when Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith forms an all party coalition.

* May 22 - Quintinshill railway disaster, Scotland, UK. 200 killed.

* May 23 - World War I: Italy joins the Allies after they declare war on Austria-Hungary.

* June 3 - Troops of Obregon and Villa clash at LeĂłn. Obregon loses his right arm in grenade attack but Villa is decisively defeated

* June 9 - U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigns over a disagreement regarding his nation's handling of the RMS Lusitania sinking.

* June 16 - Foundation of the British Women's Institute

* July 7 - An extremely overloaded Great Gorge and International Railway trolley with 157 passengers crashes near Queenston, Ontario resulting in 15 casualties.

* July 24 - The steamer Eastland capsizes in central Chicago, Illinois, with the loss of 845 lives.

* July 28 - United States occupation of Haiti begins

* August 5 �?23 - Hurricane Two of the 1915 Atlantic hurricane season over Galveston and New Orleans �?275 dead

* August 6 - World War I: Battle of Sari Bair begins - The Allies mount a diversionary attack timed to coincide with a major Allied landing of reinforcements at Suvla Bay.

* August 16 - The Entente promises the Kingdom of Serbia, should victory be achieved over Austro-Hungary and its allied Central Powers, the territories of Baranja, Srem and Slavonia from the Cisleithanian part of the Dual Monarchy; Bosnia and Herzegovina; and eastern ? of Dalmatia (from the river of Krka to Bar).

* August 17 - Jewish American Leo Frank is lynched for the alleged murder of a 13-year-old girl in Atlanta, Georgia.

* September 6 - The first prototype tank is tested for the British Army for the first time.

* September 7 - Former cartoonist John B. Gruelle is given a patent for his Raggedy Ann doll.

* October 12 - World War I: British nurse Edith Cavell is executed by a German firing squad for helping Allied soldiers escape from Belgium.

* October 19 - US recognizes Mexican government of Victoriano Carranza de facto (not de jure until 1917)

* October 27 - William Morris Hughes becomes 7th Prime Minister of Australia.

* November 14 - Vision allegedly encountered by various military personnel in Europe at 22:30 hours, as recounted on the television series One Step Beyond.

* November 25 - The theory of general relativity is formulated.

* December 12 - Chinese president Yuan Shikai declares himself Emperor

* December 26 - Irish Republican Brotherhood Military Council decides to stage a rising on Easter Sunday 1916.

Did Any significant events happen in 1915?performing arts center opera theater

World War 1 was going on at that time
the battle of the somme in france - over a million soliders died
I think there was some fighting going on in Europe somewhere...

A minor skirmish called WW1
WW I was going on in Europe.
The first discovery of bacteriophage, by Frederick Twort. Twort’s discovery was something of an accident. He had spent several years growing viruses and noticed that the bacteria infecting his plates became transparent.

Twort, F. 1915. An investigation on the nature of ultra-microscopic viruses. Lancet, 2: 1241-1243.

Chaim Weizmann, using the knowledge of Pasteur’s discovery that yeast ferments sugar, uses Clostridium acetobutylicum to produce acetone and butyl alcohol. These were essential to the British munitions program during World War I.

Weizmann, C. 1915. British patent, 845.

McCrady establishes a quantitative approach for analyzing water samples for coliforms using the most probable number, multiple-tube fermentation test. The test is based on the ability of coliforms to grow in selective broth at 35=F8C producing acid or gas within 24 to 48 hours. The number of coliforms and the 95% confidence limit can be determined using MPN tables for the volumes and number of fermentation tubes used

McCrady, M.H. "The Numerical Interpretation of Fermentation Tube Results." J. Infect. Dis. 17:183
What happened in 1915?

The 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) established: First government sponsored organization to support aircraft R%26amp;D. Precursor to NASA.

Carrier Engineering founded, commercial air conditioning begins.

German Zeppelins bomb England, the first "strategic" bombing raid.

Sinking of the liner Lusitania by a German Submarine.

First catapult launch of aircraft from a ship.

Eleanora Sears is the first woman to ride astride at the National Horse Show. Prior to 1915, women rode side-saddle at the event.

First trans-Atlantic radiotelephone messages.

The Movie "Birth of a Nation" is released.

William Boeing takes his first flight lesson.

A submarine telegraph cable is laid connecting Russia and Great Britain.

The Boston Red Sox beat the Philadelphia Phillies in the World Series, 4 games to 1.

Frank James of the James Gang dies.

Second Battle of Ypres fought: First use of poison gas as a weapon of war.

Armenian genocide: Over a half million die.

Ford builds its 1,000,000th car.

US Marines land in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. They stay until 1934.

Actress Audrey Munson does the first cinematic disrobing in the film "Inspiration". She is the model for many of the female sculptural and mural figures in the 1915 fair and is dubbed "The Exposition Girl" as a result.
Major Events of 1915

British and Commonwealth forces land in Gallipoli.

The Lusitania sank by German U-Boat off Irish coast.

Italy declares war on Austro-Hungary.

Anglo-French forces land at Salonika, Greece.

Germans introduce poison gas into warfare.

Denmark grants the vote to women.
I think BlueJay said just about all you could say! Nice one.
March 19, 1915 - First photographs of Pluto.

Thought that was interesting because of the controversy about Pluto's new status as a planet (or lack there of).

Gay/Lesbian Pride events?

I'm 18 and out of the closet about my sexuality (I'm bi). I've been dying to go to a pride event but don't know how to go about even finding any. Like gay clubs or bars. Can someone help me out here? Please?

Gay/Lesbian Pride events?performing show

June is the big Pride month across the country. However, if you scope out local GLBT clubs there are usually some sort of weekly or monthly pride events. Depending on where you live, there may be some sort of diversity/LGBT issues groups that meet and discuss GLBT issues and occasionally plan pride events as well.

Gay/Lesbian Pride events?opera score opera theater

A very god source for locating Gay Pride paraes and Pridefestival is --- The website list pride parde and events around the world.

Check with your local LGBt Community Center about contacts for your local gay pride committee.

Which of these events happened first?

"Which of the event happened first? The U.S. battleship Maine expoded

and sank in the harbor at Havana,Cuba OR The United States declared war

on Spain."

Which of these events happened first?comedy show

U.S.S. Maine sinking

Which of these events happened first?greek theater opera theater

see My last answer.

why ask the question if, You don't trust anyone to answer it ?
The USS Maine exploded at the harbor of Havana first, and then the US officially declared war on Spain.
um the battleship sinking was first i do believe

How many more events are the US and Israel going to stage before we are dragged into war with Iran?

It seems like we have a new event, propaganda and USIsraeli provocations every month to get us into a new war with Iran and Syria.

How many more events are the US and Israel going to stage before we are dragged into war with Iran?events

If the accidental nukes flying across our Nation tells you anything........

It will only take one more "BIG" event for an Iran war and Martial Law before the 2008 elections

Its coming!

Be prepared, spend time with family and pray

How many more events are the US and Israel going to stage before we are dragged into war with Iran?home theatre opera theater

if we had the troops, i believe we would have invaded already. that might be one reason why troops will leave iraq. it is just a matter of time. good question.
Dragged? If we don't take out their nuke capability soon there will be war and nobody will be worried about being dragged into it.
Lets bomb them tomarrow
stop drinking the Kool-aid
only one more

when GB listens to Soundgardens "blow up the world" it is all over

as ridiculous as that sounds thats about the level of provocation required

did you really believe "the troop surge" was about finishing the job in iraq

he already now has deployments in place
Are you kidding the way it is being played out the Americans will demand it
That will have to wait until after the election now. No new wars will be started until then. Maybe the democrats want a chance to kick some butt too. Like they did when they started the Viet Nam war.

Workplace social club events - what to do?

i'm a social club event organiser for about 60 staff. i'd say a good 70% of the staff are over 50 years old. I feel like every idea we bring up has already been done before or is not suitable for general age group. ther are other staff that are pretty much straight out of school or uni too.

does anyone have any good ideas about what to do?

Workplace social club events - what to do?say yes

Have a Wii party. Wii fight clubs (Wii Sports Boxing) are showing up everywhere, and people from all ages join in the fun.

Workplace social club events - what to do?palace theatre opera theater

Unfortunately, in my experience, I have noticed that social events in the work place seem to backfire more often than not. When you work with a group of people day in and day out, spending even more time with them outside of work is awfully boring and dull.

Mixing a group of older individuals with younger will only lead to more problems in the long run, as their tastes in EVERYTHING will be completely different.

I do not envy your position, and wish you the best of luck in trying, however.

I need idea's. Event for 30 people, $40 or less per person, afternoon event. Loc: Seattle. Fun

I've used a great ice breaker called 'Get to know you Bingo'. You set up a bingo card with a fact in each square (ie. is wearing blue today, has 2 kids, is the president of the commpany, has worked for this company less than 2 years, etc.) and then the guests have to go around and chat with each other and get a different person to sign each square on their card until it's all signed and they yell BINGO! Be sure to have a small prize (company golf shirt or tickets to the movies) for the winner.

Musical chairs is also a surprisingly good ice breaker with adults - but be careful they get very agressive and occasionally plastic chairs can get broken.

Keep it simple and only have one or two activities, because once the ice is broken then people will just chat and mingle - you don't have to keep them busy the whole time.

I need idea's. Event for 30 people, $40 or less per person, afternoon event. Loc: Seattle. Fun events?getting late

Beer pong tournament.


I need idea's. Event for 30 people, $40 or less per person, afternoon event. Loc: Seattle. Fun events?regal theater opera theater


What are some events in China history that would be good for my history project?

My history project topic is triumph and tragedy of a event in history and I want to do the topic on China.

What are some events in China history that would be good for my history project?ballet

Try the Long March, or the revolution after WWII.

You could try the Boxer rebellion, where the USA and her friends put down the Chinese attempts at self rule (No Democracy there)!

The influence of Confucius on Chinese History over the last 2,500 years, possibly compared to Plato or Socrates in the west.

There is so much to work with here, just pick a time frame, an historical event or person, and start researching.

What are some events in China history that would be good for my history project?globe theater opera theater

I would go with either the Boxer Rebellion or the Cultural Revolution. You will find plenty of tragedy in the Cultural Revolution and it will give you a good understanding of how modern Chinese history was shaped.
I can think of two events:

1. The "rise" of Confucius, who was called to be the Emperor's adviser and instead he did not leave his base and school at QiFu (spelled TsiFou)

2. The wars, fights and killings by the Emperor of Chin, who united the different Chinese empires
Confucius, a great ancient Chinese thinker, was again thrown into the spotlight when a range of memorial activities were held worldwide to commemorate the 2,556th anniversary of his birth. And the Confucianism maxims could help make people vigilant, and as a matter of fact, some valuable Confucian concepts have been integrated into mainstream world culture.The influence of Confucius is the great source you can reference. Check out the website below, you will know more about the confucious.
I think a great one would be the Communist revolution and Mao Zedong. I have often thought it would be a great movie, a Greek tragedy where he went from an obscure peasant to revolutionary leader of the largest country in the world, but then his hubris led to Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, and eventually to today's China, which would have appalled him.

Why do our memories perceive past events as being better than when they actually happened?

Is it common to look back at past memories with such fond recollection, that they appear better than when the event transpired itself. I'm referring to pleasant memories or just memories of an event that might have benign in itself, but meant something personally to you.

Does this happen to you when you look back?

Is this a common way for people to think?

Why do our memories perceive past events as being better than when they actually happened?sheet music

Yes, bravo! Memory is more like dreams than video tape. I studied memory in grad school for a semester, and they actually did this study: When the Challenger blew up, this one psychologist had the presence of mind to go around to all his colleagues, in that very hour, and ask them to write down what they were doing when they heard the news. (This was one of those events that everyone remembers what they were doing for the rest of their life). He collected all the papers. Then five years later, he went around to all of them again and asked them again to write down what they were doing when they heard. There was WIDE discrepancy! Even on something like that.

Memory is entirely fluid, not at all strictly accurate.

Why do our memories perceive past events as being better than when they actually happened?state theatre opera theater

I think because you saw them before, the memory is strongest. A memory is soemthing you dont forget. If something happened like you got raped or something, of course your going to remember it. Then, if it happens again and you manage to get away, your memory serves as a boost to the trauma of getting raped.

I hate looking back. It hurts too much because as in my teenage years, I've had so many hardships.

I have a very complex mind, others do too. Im just sayign it liek this because this is an answer.

Hope it helps.
If the details are fuzzy, it's easy to reminisce on the past through rose colored glasses. Since it's in the past, why not view it positively when it helped shape who we are rather than dwell on it negatively when we cannot change it? It's just as easy to remember the past as worse than it was, but what really matters is learning to be more than we were
Yes definately for me anyways. The present always seems less interesting or exciting compared to events of the past, especially if I've been working hard or making personal sacrifices for a very long time and feel the need for a radical change. Often I even want to relive an entire year because it seemed so great even though I realize now how much things had changed for the better since then, materialy and psychologicaly. I think most people think this way but they don't express it because the past is often deressing.
I think if you are lucky this is true. In my family, some people view past memories only as hurtful and unhappy, while others view the same memory with positive feelings. I think it is personality driven.
Time does distort memory. Now wether the memory is good or bad It can and usually is distorted for the better or worse. It depends on the person.
I think it's a coping mechanism. In the moment things may not have seemed so fantastic. When we look back on good and bad memories we naturally want to get rid of the painful ones. I experience this all the time, and it really works for me.
The older we get, the more we remember earlier memories.

Given that the mind has an inbuilt 'self-protection clause' which deludes us into believing that we will live forever... and thus refutes death... well.

Memories recontruct who we are as individuals. The notion that Holocaust survivors have 'false memory syndrom' is as disgusting as the notion that Spain didn't rape Central and South America.

There is a possibility that the mind, per se, is self-delusional. Then again, possibly, the BRAIN is 'firing' on less than 'one-cylinder'. BAD metaphor... but is it?

We apparently use less than one-tenth of our brains. Which puts on the 'why are we the top of the food chain' list.

Simple: we are omnivores. By choice or no, we survive. And that is the whole point. We are prepared, in a time of necessity, to eat our neighbours.

Eat anything. To survive.

Hindsight is 20/20.

It is only in looking back that we can see the full picture. While experiencing something we are so often lacking bits of information. Like if we knew it was the last hug from our parents, the entire experience would have played out differently.

Adult only halloween events/parties uk?

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Horrible Wrestlemania main events?

Which match would be a more boring Wrestlemania main event match,

Charlie Hass vs Hardcore Holly


Khali vs Mark Henry

Horrible Wrestlemania main events?plays

how about Val Venis vs. DH Smith.


Horrible Wrestlemania main events?opera ticket opera theater

khali vs henry but immagine how boring cena vs batisteroids would be
khali vs Mark Henry. They both suck and it will be a boring match go with Charlie Hass vs Hardcore Holly
HASS VS HOLLY the most boring main event in wrestlemania history
Khali vs. mark Henry
If Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly receive huge pushes, they could be decent main eventers. But no, WWE kept them midcarders. And I think that'll be their status forever.

Khali vs Mark Henry would be the most boring Wrestlemania main event of all time. In no way can a galactic push help these guys become good main eventers.
Haas and Holly could put on a clinic, the only thing holding both men back is fan heat.

Khali and Henry would be lariat city. Honest to god, you may as well have Stan Hansen referee.

Haas and Holly gets booked before Khali and Henry
This Is Nothing!!! Think About Hornswoggle VS Undertaker For Any Tittle. And Also Horny As Winner Of Royal Rumble!!
charile hass vs hardcore holly.....that match would put me to sleep.......khail vs mark henry that would be a match....
Khali vs Mark Henry
henry vs khali %26gt;BOOYAA%26lt;
haas is ok, khali and henry are crap. theyre all boring
charlie haas and hardcore holly
You know what would be more boring Khali vs Hornswaggle again that'd be horrifying.

Charlie Hass vs Hardcore Holly.
How about Hacksaw vs. Robbie McAllister
i think buff bagwell deserves another shot. madam biswell
Khali vs henry of course...

Hass and holly are good wrestlers.
what about a 4 way match between all of them for the U.S title as a wrestlemania main event, that would SUCK
i agree wrestlemania events suk! they need to make more hardcore matches and put some better people on. they need cooler matches to entertain people

What are current events for Buddhist people?

And, please tell me what key words I can use to find a picture of that event.

What are current events for Buddhist people?ms stress

go to Tibet and ask the buddhist monks there.

Current Events for Qs about current events/stories only - why is it so hard for some people to follo

Here are the community guidelines on having a go at one another on this site:-

"Whether or not your accusations are correct, calling people out publicly is disruptive to the community and does not help clean up the site.

Please report abusive question and answers using the Report It button, or email the team if further investigation is needed.

Trolls post inflammatory messages to see how others will react, so don’t encourage them by responding or by giving them extra attention."

I log on to read and respond to interesting Qs not for a school yard argument.

Current Events for Qs about current events/stories only - why is it so hard for some people to follow?binoculars

I wish i new what was going on! Clones, two accounts, changing names..................Nobody trusting anybody...........I know I'm missing something

Current Events for Qs about current events/stories only - why is it so hard for some people to follow?violin opera theater

good advice

but i read your initial answer to Kamrans question about yahooyahoo

you said well done for spotting it, she must be self obsessed

then you got the thumbs down so you rewrote your answer

that's called double standards

lol clever girl, lets avoid the subject

we both know what you write initially and what you meant by it
Lisa is right.There is so much double standards on here.

And Kam is right,Rules are made to be broken.Bye.
yawn, well dont get involved in the silly tit for tats then. just carry on answering!
No intellect - its that simple - bring on the day you can block the questions from certain individuals as they are posted on the current events front page
There has to be rules in life,and Kevin young man,you appear to be an extension,I see you have extended we dont need rules,which i strongly disagree with,to the person is right we need to break all bounderies.If i didn,t know,i would draw the conclusion that you are side by side in the same area.Society needs rules and laws,not people looking to destroy it.We arn,t celts and picts anymore,we don,t want more instigators to ill feeling,there seems to be enough. Hasn,t the days of the lacky gone.
Kamran- normal decent people do.
as much as some of us are on here (usually daily) - we are going to argue sometimes
Its been going this way for a while most of us have asked them to e mail each other or go to a chat room now I just write silly answers 2 points is 2 points
Who the hell reads and follows the rules
Kamran's right, we all have to push the boundaries of the rules, no matter what rules or laws they may be. Otherwise where would progress come from?

What are makeup events at Nordstrom for?

There's a M.A.C. event coming up and I kind of want to go because I would like to purchase some stuff from there. Do they give you free makeovers? And do they give you free samples?

What are makeup events at Nordstrom for?performing arts center

There are generally two kinds of events that MAC holds.

One is to promote and share a new collection and one is a form of class or workshop.

Right now, the N Collection is being promoted, so it's probably to promote that. At these events, they have scheduled appointments for makeovers featuring the collection, and if you're into MAC as much as some of us are, they are great fun!

If you're new to MAC, it's a great time to go and check it out!

Help finding current events?

I need to find a current event about someone in the who will help shape the USA. They have to be from the USA. THanks

Help finding current events?opera score

A good choice would be Ben Bernanke, The Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He's head of the central banking system of the United States and is one of the most important decision-makers in American economic policies. One of his responsibilities is raising or lowering interests rates, which is the key to controlling the economy. The Fed Chairman is often referred to as the second most powerful person in the USA.

His bio:

Some articles:

Help finding current events?musicals opera theater

Try these:

Good luck to you! ( nintendo events )?

what do you click to find out when the next nintendo event is gonna be?






6.TV %26amp; MOVIES



which one is the one? ( nintendo events )?greek theater

i think you go to news or shop

What are world events that happend during Thomas Aquinas' life?(1225-1274)?

For a history project.

please give the year and event, and website you got it from

thank you

What are world events that happend during Thomas Aquinas' life?(1225-1274)?home theatre

The sack of Baghdad by the Mongols (1256), which ended the Arabic "golden age". (Primitive as it might be, I got this from a book, not a website.)

Much of the Mongol conquest occurred during this period, including the Mongol invasion of Europe in the 1240s. (

The fifth (1217-21) through the ninth (1271-72) Crusades. (

The struggle of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty, led by Frederick II ( for control of Germany and Italy. Again, mostly from a book.

The war between the Catholic church and the french Albigensian heretics, ending in 1229. (

The events of Star Wars- the events of Lord of The Rings....?

which happened first?

How come?

The events of Star Wars- the events of Lord of The Rings....?palace theatre


You've taken too much Nyquil, babe, and now you're having very funky hallucinatory visions that are causing you to think there is some "sensible time line" to either one of those movies...besides...everybody knows that...

"Battlestar Gallactica" happened before any of that stuff..., yeah...(clears throat, looking worred about his contact Freaky One, and her current mental state thinking she is as high as a kite in the windy season...and he wishes he was)

(you so cute...)

The events of Star Wars- the events of Lord of The Rings....?concert tickets opera theater

star was a long long time ago in a far away galaxy...DUH!
TNT showed LOTR since 8:15 this morning.

Spike didn't start showing Star Wars til a little after that, I think
And what about Star Trek?? How does it fit in with everything?

JRR Tolkien came before George Lucas
Star Wars by far. Lord of the Rings just happened to be in totally different galaxy that was still WAY behind the times. Plus the movies kind of explain themselves: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
There are way too many nerds here. Geek out!


Just here for the 2 points.

Muchos gracias.
I just thought the events of "Star Wars" happened first because when I was reading "The Hobbit" trilogy I was under the impression that was a long time ago on Earth.

What events or events signified the and of absolute monarchy and the begging of representative gover

In France

What events or events signified the and of absolute monarchy and the begging of representative government .?regal theater

The poverty that hit the French during the rule of Louis XVI the king and the queen both ended isolated totally from the public . and when they ever heard about the poverty they will go to the streets but they don't see anything . the corrupted group from the inside will take precaution and show actors in clean clothing like if they were the public . and they will smile at the king thanking him for the gift of seeing him . of course it ended up with a disaster where the head of the king and his wife were chopped later in the French Revolution in 1793 .

SATURDAY NIGHTS MAIN EVENTS COMES BACK!?!? I SAw ON click here for more news)?

well I saw somehwere on and I can't find where it says that anymore but Saturday Night Main Event..SNME comes back on June 2 and well i saw that it plays at I think that's only for the East..E.T..i dont know if it's also for the west...ANY WAY THE POINT IS IS THAT SNME RETUNS! YOUR THOUGHTS

SATURDAY NIGHTS MAIN EVENTS COMES BACK!?!? I SAw ON click here for more news)?globe theater

Reasons why wrestling sucks.

1. Above and beyond all is fake.

2. The Power Rangers have a better plot.

3. Steroids.

4. Objectification of women.

5. The fans.

6. The acronyms.

7. Thunder in Paradise.

8. The video games.

9. Lionel Tate

10. The fans deserve two spots on this list.

SATURDAY NIGHTS MAIN EVENTS COMES BACK!?!? I SAw ON click here for more news)?oper opera theater

I was wondering when Saturday Nights Main Event was coming back. Thanks.
That would be pretty sweet but I dont know if it would be the same as it was in the eighties. Since Raw and Smackdown draw most of the fan base, They would have mainly jobber matches. But still, another day of wrestling on the calender is still a good deal for the fans.
Yeah, that's cool. It's not like da old SNME's but it's still cool.
yea i'll look forward to a free ppv. at least we wont be AS pissed off if john cena overcomes the odds again since we didnt pay
Hey, that's cool. I haven't seen SNME since last year.
that is so cool, thanks for telling us

What kind of events are going on on July 4th?

I live in Malden Ma I need somewhere to go to tommorrow. Does anyone know a park where there will be an event?

What kind of events are going on on July 4th?state theatre

I believe there are going to be fireworks?....somewhere.

Shirtless at sports events?

when is it expected or cool for a guy to go shirtless at a sports event? have you ever done it, if you have, when, where? whats your thoughts?..... im 24, a guy

Shirtless at sports events?paramount theater

Yea, it is becoming more and more common. I believe it's acceptable when your playing at a professional level and the crowd and the player are lost in emotion.

No, I've never done it. I've always controlled my emotion. Come to think of it, I've never had the opportunity to achieve that level of emotion in a game.

The key here is Crowd, meaning lots of people supporting and believing in you and your teams achievement.

Shirtless at sports events?theatre opera theater

Well I have never done it but it is acceptable if your not inside, your not too fat sorry, and you don't try to show off too much. however if your going to paint your self that is just... weird i don't recommend it. hope i helped.
Man you sure are into going shirtless. This really depends, and think about the answers you got to your other shirtless questions.

Current events...what are the three news events you rember and?

what were you doing at the time

1. stardust fire in dublin.44 people died some with two or three from the same family, valentines night.was at home cause my dad would not allow me to go because i was only 14

2. 7/11. was at the hospital with my son and it came on the news, did not really know about terrisiom until then

3. soham murders, was visiting my brother in birmingham

and thought they had just gone off with friends

Current events...what are the three news events you rember and?opera ticket


I remember being on the M1 coming home from Yorkshire when Diana died,

I was shopping in Argos when the terrorists hit the Twin Towers and everyone stood round the tv,s in there as they hit.

And sitting in front room with parents in Leicester watching the man bought to justice for murdering 2 girls in the same village as us, Dawn Ashwoth and Lynda Mann,this was Nov 21st 1983 and July 31st 1986.This is also memorable because every man in Enderby,leices had to give DNA sampling and i remember my dad having to do this.The man was Colin Pitchfork who lived in a neighbouring village.I also remember not being allowed out as much either.

Current events...what are the three news events you rember and?pacific theater opera theater

princess dianas death and i was at mum and dads looking after their dogs i was pregnant at time
1. Diana's death - at work

2. 9/11 - living in America at the time and at work for that one also!

3. Berlin Wall coming down - at friends house watching it on T.V.
Dunblane. I was in my 2nd year of high school and got home and seen it on newsround. I remember thinking 'how did I already know that' as if I had already been told about it. It was really bizzare and so close to me it was scary.

Princess Diana dying. It was the morning after my sisters wedding. I woke up with my friends in the living room around 9am and flicked through every channel moaning at it all being news then we stopped and payed attention. I'm not a Di die-hard but the news was pretty shocking.

9/11. I was at college and had finished early so popped in to see my sister at the shop she worked in which was Granada, the TV shop (don't think they are around anymore) when it came on all the tellies. It was surreal. We stood there watching the 2nd plane hitting the tower. The shop was full of people just standing open mouthed.
9/11 - at home just came back from London and put on the T.V. to see two towers and hear a bit from the newsreader and assumed the NYSE had hit the floor as it went down the day before..

Diana Princess of Wales Death: At home hearing my mother shouting about Diana dying and waking up tired and groggy and my first thought the papparazi have got to her in the end....

Lockerbie at home predicting the downing of an aircraft as ihad a prmonition the night before looking out to suspect whether a streetlamp in the distance was the light from a plane on its way down..was with my Mother when the news broke on TV
london bombings ..... i was a chambermaid sneakily watching tv in a guests room

diana's death .... i was decorating

9/11 watching tv and heavily pregnant
1) Diana's death- I was at home celebrating my birthday

2) OJ Simpson's escape in his white bronco- Was on vacation with my family in Florida

3) September 11- In Biology class in tenth grade
1. 9/11/01 I was in an Infection Control class at work. I went through a really diffcult period of acceptance after that.

2. The Virginia Tech Massacare I was sitting in the living room watching TV and it was interupted with that news.

3. 4/20/99 The Columbine High killings. I was in the hospital in labor with my oldest child.
1. End of WW2. I distinctly remember the street party although I was very young.

2. The assassination of President Kennedy. I had just got off a train and the taxi driver broke the news.

3. 9/ll. Picked up the Daily Telegraph and there was this horriific front page.
1. Dunblane Primary school- i am just an hr away from Dunblane,so was quite a shock.and was working in a school,so that was scary too

2. 9/11 I was living in USA at the time. i had been to visit the twin towers in the June,and got on a boat to Empire State was 5pm,and lots of office workers going home on the boat-really sad to think about them now

3. Princess Diana- i had been out for the night with friends,and came home to hear on the news she had died...
1. Death of President Kennedy (So sad)

In the bath .

2. Death Of John Lennon (Even more sad)

At work

3. The Whole band Aid thing ( 2xDouble more sad)

Watched it all with my old mum who was in hospital.
1. Terrorist attack in Germany by IRA in which the father of a schoolmate of mine was killed in 1979.

2. The Death of Princess Diana - my husband said to me as I got up that Sunday that she was dead. I asking if she had killed herself, he said no and then I said, "Oh, a car accident then." My dad had the same reaction, funnily enough

3. September 11th attack on the twin towers - I had a day off work and I stopped a pub so I could use the loo, the news was on and the attack had just happened and we were getting minute by minute coverage. I ended up staying and watching as the towers came down.
Elvis's death I was playing on the street and my mam called me in for tea and told me and my sister the news. I said who? Why that sticks in my mind, I don't know!

The other answers bring back memory's.

Dunblane I was in a guest house in Pucon, Chile. And was watch the news with disbelieve.

Sept.11 At work driving back to the yard, just before 3pm. Listening to radio2. When the said they will more on the plane crashes in New york. I said to my mate "crashes" plural? I flicked to Radio4 but they had a play on. So I thought it couldn't be serious! Good old BBC. The 3 o clock news, turned me cold.

Diana death. Waking up in my friends flat after a night on the town. My friends ex. called and told us, my reaction was to laugh.
1. The Aberfan Disaster - I was at home watching TV

2 London Bombings - we were in a car travelling down the M6 heading for Portsmouth and the ferry to France. All the matrix signs suddenly started showing a warning that London was closed to traffic and advising drivers to turn on their radios.

3. The sinking of HMS Sheffield during the Falklands War - sitting at home listening to the MoD announce the loss of an unnamed ship and wondering if it was my brother's
Aberfan disaster - first time I saw my Father cry.

Funeral of Churchill - my Grandmother wanted us quiet - I think we got a day off school and were playing.

The tsunami - because it was Christmas.
9/11 - I was watching tv at home, when a news flash came on.

7/7 - I was on holiday abroad, when a bar we were in had Sky News on, and the story was breaking.

The death of Princess Diana. I was in bed, and my husband was downstairs, he turned the tv on, and it was on the news.

Friday, December 4, 2009

20th century american events?

I have to write a paper on an important/interesting american event in the 20th century if you have any topic ideas that would be helpful!!

20th century american events?home theater system

20th century american events?the grand theater opera theater

The moon landing



hope these help

The sinking of the Lusitania.
Pick something that will be easy to research, but isn't overdone. For the love of God, don't pick any of the wars or stuff. Way overdone. I'm sure your teacher gets a ton of those. Do Woodstock 69
how about that turbulent decade i like to call the 1960s
Any conflict...WWII being the greatest, fought by our greatest generation.


Martin Luther King - civil rights movement

Prohibition - and the blowback it caused

Roaring 20's

Recognizing the mistakes we made by intervening with Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq, and learn from those mistakes.


Explain these Gandhi events?

Can someone explain these, i am supposed to do this for homework and i dont get any of this, all these things were in the Gandhi event

1. Boycott of british made cloth

2.apartheid laws

3. pass laws

4. non violent non-cooperation

5.homespun cloth

6.The salt march

7.Amritsar Massacre


9.Partition of India

10. Hindu-Muslim Question

If someone can explain these topics they will earn mega points

Explain these Gandhi events?violin

The boycott of British cloth was to protest British rule of India.

Apartheid laws were established in South Africa to seperate the races; Apartheid is Afrikans for "seperation".

Pass laws -- non-white citizens of South Africa were required to hold passes which the police could inspect. Many people burned them to protest police repression.

Non-violent non-cooperation is the central idea of Gandhi's entire campaign. It is the idea of refusing to submit to the will of dictators, but to do so non-violently. For many excellent examples, including Gandhi's salt march to the sea, see the documentary "A Force More Powerful"

Homespun cloth -- Gandhi would weave his own cloth; again, as a protest against British economic policies

The Salt March -- In March, 1930, Gandhi and supporters marched 240 miles over the course of three weeks from his ashram to the sea... Gandhi made salt, which was a violation of British tax laws. He and many of his followers were arrested in the weeks following this protest.

Amristar Massacre -- happened in April 1919.

The British machine-gunned hundreds of unarmed civilians who were peacefully protesting. It is the most horrific event in the history of British rule of India (which is saying a great deal)

Homerule - simply means the right to run your own country, free of colonial powers.

Partition of India -- India has two major religious groups: Hindus and Muslims. The Muslims wanted their own country, which led them to seperate areas east and west of India, which today are the nations of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

There were many riots during this period, and thousands of people were killed in religious warfare.

Hindu-Muslim question: As I noted, many people killed each other simply because they were Hindus or Muslims.

There is no logical explanation for why this happened.

Watch the movie again after looking at some of the websites, it will make more sense to you.

Explain these Gandhi events?chinese theater opera theater

India made most of the clothes worn by Brits. The idea was to force the Brits to buy and make their own. Kinda like now when China makes all our clothes.

Apartheid laws. Indians were segregated from Brits in their own country. Ghandi wanted that changed

Now you do your own homework. I started you out.

Do u think these 2 wm24main events are cool found them on wrestling edge are cool?

Current plans have Batista taking the title from The Great Khali this weekend at SummerSlam and hold the title until Survivor Series or Armageddon, around the time Edge is set to return.

Edge is set to take the title and hold it until WrestleMania 24 where he will defend the title against The Undertaker in the SmackDown main event. Current plans have Batista taking the title from The Great Khali this weekend at SummerSlam and hold the title until Survivor Series or Armageddon, around the time Edge is set to return.

Edge is set to take the title and hold it until WrestleMania 24 where he will defend the title against The Undertaker in the SmackDown main event.

Do u think these 2 wm24main events are cool found them on wrestling edge are cool?sunshine

there ok!

Do u think these 2 wm24main events are cool found them on wrestling edge are cool?star theater opera theater

Pretty cool. Im sure the bulk of that will change though. At least cena is not in the mainevent picture.
Triple H vs Mr.Kennedy will be pretty good.

Edge vs Undertaker will be great, two undefeated streaks (Edge didn't get pinned at this year WM) and the world title on the line.

I'm just hoping that the Kennedy/triple H feud won't have the WWE title included.

That storyline is strog enough by itself and doesn't need the WWE title.

The WWE title should be something like Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels.
Triple H vs Kennedy = Awesome. to be honest i cant wait for that match.

Edge vs Undertaker = Pimp. i wanna see this match as well. Techniquelly Taker has yet to face Edge at all since Edge was the last one to pin the Deadman so this shall be interesting.



I dont care what happens - I will be watching it anyway

That's Real...Awesome.

I want to see Wrestlemania 24 so bad now that you said the main events.I might have to go to a friends house or to a watch party.

Are the recent events in Portugal the only thing worth discussing on here?

Or has their been anything else happening ANYWHERE else?

What about the search for the killer of Rhys?

Or the rioting ravers at Great yarmouth police station a couple of weeks ago?

Or ?????( add your own event)

Are the recent events in Portugal the only thing worth discussing on here?musicals

global warming!

Are the recent events in Portugal the only thing worth discussing on here?opera songs opera theater

I love president Bush.
Pinks has burnt the roast potatoes
or the neo nazis in israel (look on bbc news website for more info)
no. people just tend to get caught on the topic of the day. The news tends to do that too. We are all stuck on this topic because we don't know what else has happened in the world the new won't actually tell us.
Not the only thing worth discussing but probably because it is such a big thing and on everybodies mind along with so many different views and conflicting stories.
Its been a one topic subject by 95% of the people on the News and Events Answers pages for months.
How will Ireland do against Namibia in the Rugby will they win it starts in Bordeaux in a few minutes time. The City of Bordeaux is Swarming with the Irish Fans.Wasnt it hard luck for the French the other day.
i got 2 points
yeah it is because there is a little kid out there alone without her parents, and no matter how much people diss the parents they are living with there guilt, anyone with children should look at it as if it happened to there children they would want as much help thats all the mcanns are doin so have a heart and stop thinking bout yourself
No, I think we should discuss whether there is anything else we can discuss.
Hells Kitchen is getting quite good, Jim is geeting on my t*ts and Briankeeps on crying, switch over to itv and you can get a laugh or wound up that's sure to take your mind off the recent events
you bet ye.

What are current events for Christian people?

And, please tell me any key words I can use to find a picture of that event.

What are current events for Christian people?performing arts show

Birth of Christ, Christmas

What are current events for Christian people?opera cd opera theater

Christmas! dont you feel the spirit?
Not too sure....but, when I get hot I squirt :) !!!!!
The Pope just visited Turkey.

Haggart was exposed as a meth-fueled gay sex lover of he-whores.

If nobody ever wrote down the events of what happened on 9/11...?

and we, as a nation, just passed stories of the event around orally for the next 500 years, before writing them much different would the stories be in 2507 from the actual event in 2001?

Don't the Bible stories work pretty much the same way???

If nobody ever wrote down the events of what happened on 9/11...?ballet theater

Um, Even with all of the writing, video, and pictures how much of the truth is known?

You have the Gov putting out their story with their spin, the conspiracy theorists doing their thing and the Right Religious Republicans trying to blame it on Iran or Syria to justify expanding their Middle East Oil adventure.

The event is already made into a myth.

Nobody knows the actual truth of it and likely never will.

If nobody ever wrote down the events of what happened on 9/11...?chicago theater opera theater

and Roman / Greek myths - and American Indian lore....It is amazing how well a verbal record can be kept by those who cherish the truth and telling of it.
yep, but I think that the bible was just a book like harry potter that got so famous caveman started worshiping it.
haha.. A flying purple monkey came from space and took out the WTC..
Yes, with one notable exception.

The Bible "stories" were inspired by GOD.
It depends on the event, creation and the flood were way more than 500 years away from when Moses could have written about them. The gospels were written about 70 or more years ater the events.

But yes, the same principle applies, the story gets added to and changed.
well yes, but the bible also stole from already existing stories that were written down.
Undoubtedly, some of the Bible stories from the Beginning had been passed down for alot longer than 500 years before Moses put them together for His people. Of course, Moses had something the Sumerians didn't have...He had God's guidance.

One must realize that Moses is trying to recount events from the very beginning of time, but his main focus is on the history of the Israelites.

On the other hand, it is to be noted that archeology has shown over and over again that the Bible is accurate in it's history. Whether you realize it or not, much of our modern understanding of ancient history is rooted in the Bible.

At the risk of shocking my Christian brothers and sisters, it is the total message of the Bible that is important, not the accuracy of the tiny details. So Kings and Chronicles may disagree about the exact number of horses and chariots some king had, as someone pointed out the other day. Some scribe somewhere miscopied a number.

The most important message of the Bible is the love of God, as it is embodied in Christ...

What are heart events in Harvest Moon:More Friends of Mineral Town?

Okay i have The game harvest moon:more friends of mineral town and i got gray up to a purple heart and then i got to the purple heart event and it turned back to black! is that supposed to happen is it good??? i'm confused! help plz!

What are heart events in Harvest Moon:More Friends of Mineral Town?concert tickets

Maybe when you got the event,,, he ask you something and you said wrong answer. You can check from this site :

Hope it can help you.

Ideas for fundraising events?

we are organising an event in our school to raise money for some tools and equipment needed to renovate an area behind the school so it can be used for reading, planting vegtables, using the pond to help with science etc. Any one got any ideas on what to do? it could be a competition of something, and if you think of a competition please give some type of prize idea as well. it has to be of little expense and able to make money. thanks.

Ideas for fundraising events?performing art center

we are also having a fund raising hir at our school for medical mission,,,for this valentine season we sold flowers but it need a lot of capital so we have to contribute first but it has a good income so we had our money back and still have something for the medical mission,,the other thing we do is selling CDs,,if you have a laptop its just easy,,,the other thing is we also sell some foods that are not quite expensive in our classmates and it works,,

hope you can raise the amount you need,,God bless

Ideas for fundraising events?theatre tickets opera theater

fair,fundraiser, charity, music,
My best friend had a good deal of luck raising money by auctioning off cakes. Cakes can be made inexpensively, and with time and effort, they can be works of art!

Our school has snack Fridays...the students from one class each Friday is asked to bring in a dozen treats. Those treats are then sold for a quarter during recess. It doesn't seem like much, but if you consider each child can bring in $3-$6, that can add up pretty quickly. If you need to do it faster, you could have a snack MONTH, in which a classroom a day is asked to bring in and sell the treats.

Good luck!
Autograph auction. Have your class members, teachers, and boosters write to their favorite authors/astronauts/sports stars, etc. and ask for help in achieving their worthy goal and request an autograph to help raise funds. The letter-writing can be a school activity--who writes letters anymore?--graded by teachers and actually educational. This may take a few months but you will be surprised at the response. After a reasonable amount of time, host an auction where your community can bid on the autographs. This is also great PR since your local newspaper can cover the student letters and the actual event.
In my school an effective way of raising funds has been a non-uniform day. Each child wears their own clothes for a day and brings in �?. If your school doesn't have a uniform choose to have a mad hair, mad socks or wear something red, day and ask for the �? contribution from each child. Good luck.
A ballon race- every one byes some balloons you set them off who evers has go the ferthest in like 4 weeks wins (cherk with local airport if safe)


Teachers X Factor or mastermind

cake sale



Fun day- Get kids to pay say 2 pounds to have a toy day and party (every one brings some food or drink in) plus they can were there own clothes
I'd love to help. Please visit my website, Free brochures, free shipping, I'll send you a list of the costs of the products and you set the selling price and keep the profit up front. Products are candles, framed art, food and more. Very simple brochure and order form all in one. Please email me for details.
last year we had a "Auction of Promises" and raised over �?,000
I currently have a fundraiser for schools. The schools would sell the Summer Bridge workbook series. They are for children entering PreK through 8th grade. They are educational workbooks that the students would complete over the summer. You would earn $1 per book sold. (There are no other charges)

You can email me for the forms that would go home to the parents. (It's a fundraiser but also very educational)
The children at our school had the idea of a sponsored peppermint suck! They were each given a Polo and had to see how long they could make it last. They have also done sponsored reads, fancy dress competitions on a theme (favourite books etc) and, best of all, sponsored silences!
you should find the right answer by looking at sites and ideas presented at

there are lots f unique working ideas , check some of the pages over there.
Car boot sales are always good, get money for stuff you don't want!

Cake!! sale



Sponsored something!! always good ask family members to give each and soon goes a long way. Make sure you have a limit on how long your gunna do something otherwise they may end up paying loads!!

(i was silent 4 24 hours!!, not including sleep) got �?0

just from family!!
If talking secondary school the sixthformers (guys and girls... could do a swimsuit car wash.

That would raise money. Ethically speaking if they are flirty and up for it fine... (kinda stuff they do in foam parties anyway.

How about under18s rave/gig/disco (especially as difficult to get into a club)... make it a foam party.

You did not place your age group so difficutl to post proper answers.

Things like signed something fro a clebrity someone may know are good... Prize costs nothing but valuable.

Henna tattoos allowed in school (ie the kids all have tattoos ... that last a month) for a fee.

Poker is getting popular...

Do like a tournament so like a quiz or bingo.

You pay an entry fee.

and the prize is a percentage or something donated like a free adventure sports session in rutrn for being allowed to advertise in school or sponsorship

The poker also helps social skills and reading people. Plus mental artithmatic
Use the pond as a focus and draw it on squared paper. People buy a square to find the fish and the person who buys the predetermined square gets a portion of the money raised - depends on how much you charge per square.
It depends on what are the interests of the people in your lace. If they like music, you can organize a mini concert. If you know some friends with bands, talk with them for performing free. It could be a raffle, a presentation of a play or a film showing. Cash might be the best prize so they can do anything they want with it (I mean good wants) or you can give away educational prizes like books.
3 on 3 basketball, eating contests, tug of war, car wash, food, shows, but all these things need to pat to get in to them
Check with your local grocery stores some will donate gift certificates you can have a raffle and sell tickets. Ask your local business owners to donate ,beauty shops barbers etc.

Good luck.
you could do an auction(have buisnesses donate items for it) , a fifty fifty raffel, a raffel w/ prizes donated by businesses, bingo(again w/ donated items from schools) .. or research into large scale buisnesses that help w/ fundraisings for schools(such as buisnesses that will give the school a cut of however much money they made from the schools fundraiser type thing; some have collecting empty printer cartridges to be recycled and so on).....

skin allergy